三分間スピーチ (初稿)

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.

First of all,I would like to thank you all for inviting me here today.

I've met some very kind and generous people and everybody here seems very eager to learn.

This elementary school we are all in today, looks very beautiful
and hopefully it will become a successful center of learning.

I've seen the new 5th grade classroom and it looks very nice
and fun for all the new 5th graders.

Today I want to talk about when I was a child.
And why I decided to donate to rebuild the classroom.

I was born 42 years ago in Japan.
At that time Japan was a developing country,
Education was not regarded as an important issue.

But my father thought in a different way.
One day he said to me,
"I hope you will be a person to contribute something to the world. For that, you need education."
Actually, I think he did his best to give me that chance.

I went to elementary school, junior high and high school.
I never forgot what my father said.

I studied physics in university for 5 years.
After I got masters degree I became an engineer.
Now I am happy with my job.

I thought it important to support children’s rights to quality education.
The Plan International also had the same vision.
So I joined the "Plan monthly support program" just after I got my job.

Last year, I had a chance to work with a Philippine manufacturer to make a product.
The experienced engineers are very friendly, and they gave me new ideas and suggestions.
I enjoyed time with these engineers and get become interested in the Philippines.

Around the same time, The Plan Japan was looking for someone to donate to the project to rebuild the classroom.

I think it’s really good for you all here and for me to support the project, because both of us will be very happy.

When I was a child, younger than you,
I wondered why a plane flights, though it is made of heavy steal.
How to make a heavy steel go fly in the air?

I think I already had something inside me to be an engineer.

Everyone here already have something inside you.
It will tell you what you truly want to become.
Don’t forget to follow the truth inside you.
It will lead you to bright and prosperous future.

And again, I hope this school will become a successful center of learning.

Thank you very much.